High-Quality Instructional Materials Matter


All Maryland teachers should have access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) because every Maryland student deserves access to the best education. 

What are High-Quality Instructional Materials?

Maryland defines High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) as grade-level and standards-aligned instructional materials that are used to build knowledge for all students in a language affirming and culturally responsive way.

Materials Matter

For Students

High-Quality Instructional Materials level the playing field for students.

High-quality curricula increased student achievement in reading, math, and science from the 50th to the 60th percentile and higher: “a potentially transformative impact if aggregated across an entire class, grade, or school.”

Access to rigorous materials increased achievement for Black and Latino students. English Language Learners acquire knowledge and vocabulary faster when using grade-level content (with supports).

Math textbook choice has a significant effect on test scores.

For Teachers

High-Quality Instructional Materials empower teachers and free up time.

New teachers spend an average of 7-12 hours per week searching for or developing new content.

Materials created or selected by teachers were generally less likely than those provided by their district to meet academic standards appropriate to the grade level in English language arts and math.

A 2017 RAND analysis found that 96% OF TEACHERS use Google to find lessons and materials.

Maryland’s HQIM Stages of Support


Determining the quality of instructional materials


Selecting instructional materials


Using instructional materials